Friday, September 30, 2011

Ch. 7.2 Fluids and Density

PowerPoint Presentation

  1. Open up the PowerPoint presentation on Fluids and Density
  2. Review the first 3 slides
  3. Go over as a class slides 4, 5 and 6 which focus on the formula for finding the density of various material
  4. Handout Density worksheet and do #1 on board.  Make sure you focus on showing proper work and proper units of measure
  5. Work on assignment

Talking Cirlces

Mrs. Nelson has been incorporating her First Nation's Worldview into our class.  One way she's been incorporating her worldview is through the use of Talking Cirlces to help students express their views in a safe and accepted atmosphere. 

Mrs. Nelson's-List of Assignments

 Residential School Unit -Assignment List- Social/L.A   

  • This is a list of all the assignments & in class worksheets from the start of the year. I have given our students alot of time to finish their assignments in class and extra time to catch up. If they were not able to finish then it was homework. I Mrs. Nelson have been lenient on the due dates  as our schedule has moved around to accommodate time for CAT testing. 
     Handouts include: group work sheets,student sheets-review-Reflective Journals-personal reflections-  KWL-chart-Self Evaluation Sheet, Response Journal-Blogger-online
  1. Reflection Journal
  2. Rock Art- Self Evaluation Sheet 
  3. What it means to be Canadian-group work -handout
  5. KWL chart - Residential Schools
  6. Residential School Simulation-reflection 
  7. "For Angela" Viewing Guide-handout 
  8. Residential School Review- definitions(Intro Lesson-Student Sheet-Thomas Moore-photo) 
  9. Experiencing Prejudice & Discrimination-question sheet
  10. For Angela-Response Journal- Blogger -Evaluated-rubric-posted
                                                                     Thank You, Mrs. Nelson.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

For Angela -Response Journal Assignment

In class today we will be working on response journals in the library on the computers. The students watched a video "For Angela" -by Nancy Trites Botkin & Daniel Prouty. There is a link to the video "For Angela" it is a short film that is based on a true story. The topic of the movie deals with racism and even though it is short  film it is very powerful. The Unit I am teaching is Residential Schools, in both subjects: Language Arts and Social Studies. The students have participated in all of the activities and group work with a positive attitude. This is an encouragement as I am learning the ropes of  "Teaching"!
                                                                   Sincerely, Mrs. Nelson.

For Angela –Response Journal-length 2 paragraphs 
  • Response journals relate your personal opinions and experiences to something you have studied in class. Write a response journal on the video for Angela. Choose your own topic or address one of the following: Refer back to the Student Worksheet-Thomas Moore and your handouts of definitions and terminology, (ex: racism, stereotype, discrimination, prejudice, Aboriginal, First Nation, assimilation, European etc...).
1)    Can you relate to any of the experiences of any of the characters in the story?

2)   Why do you think no one on the bus stopped the boys from doing what they were doing? What might that say about the society in which we live?

3)   Discuss how Angela changed as a result of the humiliation.

4)   After the boys had been caught they were required to spend the day with Angela and her mother to learn more about them as people. Do you think this consequence was enough? Why or why not? Can you suggest any other consequences that would have done more good for the boys and possibly for Angela and Ms Gordon?

         Rubric for Response Journa "For Angela" 
               Rating Scale: Evaluation mark   /16 

 For Angela –Response Journal –Rubric

Needs improvement
There are two complete paragraphs.
There is almost two complete paragraphs.
There is at least one paragraph.
There is not a full paragraph.
terminology & definitions (ex : racism, prejudice, discrimination) 

The student included at least four facts  
from the video & personal experience along with the correct terminology.
The student included at least three facts
from the video & personal experience but did not use the correct terminology.
The student included at least one fact from the video & personal experience. 
The student included no facts from the video & personal experience.
Feeling (expression)
The student showed feeling and emotion. Portrayed a character convincingly.
The student wrote emotions felt, but did not include any supporting evidence.
The student attempted to write feelings.
The student included no feelings.
capital letters
The student made 1-2 mistakes.

The student only made 2-4 mistakes.
The student made 3-5 mistakes
The student made 5 or more mistakes.

Rating Scale       Excellent -4marks       Good -3marks      Fair –2marks       Needs Improvement -1mark
1.       Length   __   /4
2.       Content __   /4
3.       Feeling___   /4
4.       Grammar__  /4                     Total ____/16marks

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gr 7&8 Blue Mountain Fall Trip

Our Class Trip to Blue Mountain ...Here are some of my observations & thoughts on our class trip to Blue Mountain. I, Mrs Nelson can speak on behalf of the class that we had a great time! I am grateful to have had the opportunity to spend time and connect with many of the Fairhaven students from Grade 6-8 and especially the students from our class Grade 7&8's . As an Intern Teacher, I am impressed with our Grade 7&8 students as I watched them learn the skills of working in a team, rising to the occasion of leading the team through many difficult challenges. 

As for myself this trip challenged me(Mrs. Nelson) to take risks and push myself past my fear of height. The high ropes challenge was something that I never would of imagined myself doing but as the students were asking me if they should do it - of coarse I said YES! Then the inevitable question was asked..."Mrs Nelson are you going to do it too?" As a teacher, I realized that this is one of those moments that I needed to rise above my own fear and exemplify the qualities that I am encouraging our students to have.

As I climbed the ladder and looked around I realized that my fear of heights was only in my head.I jumped off the really high pole & zip-lined across a huge valley and I am happy to tell you: I survived. I realize how much fun I have been missing out on. It was good for me as well as many of the students who also conquered their fears!  This was a great opportunity for the students to build relationships among one another which produces a healthy classroom environment for all the students to succeed in.
                                                                     Sincerely, Mrs.Nelson

A special, Thank You to Donna Banks, Our School Board Trustee who took the time to come out and photograph many of the fun moments we all shared! 

Monday, September 12, 2011


Students investigated and identified how art expressions can reflect diverse worldview
      -examined the history of the First Peoples of Canada’s Rock Art
      -used the symbolism within Rock art to create their own pictograph on rock. 

    Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park Alberta  video...

Youtube Video: The Class viewed this you tube video for a interpretation from an Aboriginal perspective-Blackfoot of Alberta
1. What can you learn from viewing at ROCK-ART?
 Mode of transportation-horses-foot-indicates a time-line Animals-indicates geography Landscape-Canada’s Geography        -ex: crossings-warning-trail splits—similar to street signs Symbolism-meaning Storytelling-historical records Art-Expression 
Students should know the difference between a Petroglyph& Pictograph.
Petroglyphs - "are carved, pecked, chipped or abraded into stone. 
      Pictographs - "are painted onto stone and are much more fragile than petroglyphs.
      Co-Creating Criteria - Students & Mrs.Nelson
              Neatness-Art work should be neat in appearance                Creativity- Interpretation,color,detail,               Effort      - Did student make a good effort 
       Self Evaluation -hand in to Mrs. Nelson (Desk)
         Rock Art Self Evaluation Form- finish for next class
Name:                    Date:
  1. What have I learned from this?
  1. What sort of effort I put into the work?
  1. What is my interpretation of my Rock?
  1. Am I satisfied with my word? Explain...
   Thanks, Mrs. Nelson

Looking at Canada's Geography

The Great Canadian Textbook Challenge

A publisher is writing a student textbook about Canada’s geographical regions. They are inviting school classes to submit visual representations of Canadian regions that could be used as the chapter title page spreads for the textbook or as multi-media introductions for the online version. Each visual representation needs to include:

  • images that represent the diversity of geographical features in the region
  • a caption for each image that provides key information about the geographical feature
  • descriptive phrases or words that will engage students and help them appreciate the vastness of Canada’s geography.
The visual representation will be submitted as a multimedia presentation. Your class has decided to participate in the challenge. You will work as a group on some parts of the task and work individually on other parts.In addition to the visual representation, the publisher wants to include some information within the chapters to help students compare and contrast the various geographical regions of Canada. Your teacher will assign two regions for you to compare and contrast. Use the information you have researched as well as what you learn from viewing the presentations of other groups to provide you with background information. Select an appropriate graphic organizer to help organize the information.
Do your best work––the publisher will use the best school submission for the textbook!

Part One- Independent Work
Research features of an assigned region
  1. Chose a geographical region:
  2. Use print and online resources to find between 5 and 10 key facts about the terrain or landforms of your assigned region.
  3. Locate at least five terrain or landform photographs or images in various sources, such as magazines, Web sites, art collections and calendars. (I would recommend using Web sites)
Part Two-Select the five best representations of a region-Group Work

1. Meet with other students based on assigned geographical regions.  Share their key facts and images you found during your independent research with other members of  your group. Once everyone has presented,  choose the 7-10 best photographs or images that represent the diversity of geographical features in their region. You will be using googledocs to make your presentation since all group members can work on the same project while on different computers.

2.  Create a caption for each image. Your group will determine how to write the captions. Suggestions include assigning individuals or partners to create the captions or working together as a group.
*Your group also needs to decide on descriptive words or phrases that will engage students and help them appreciate the vastness of Canada’s geography. Consider criteria when selecting key images, captions and phrases:
  • represent the diversity of geographical features in the region
  • communicate accurate information
  • engage and interest students.
Part Three- Share selections with the class
  1. Each group will share their multimedia presentation with the class.
Part Four-Compare and contrast two geographical regions
  1. Once the posters or multimedia presentations have been shared, you will beassigned two regions to compare and contrast. You will work individually using a graphic organizer to record important ways the two regions are similar and different. You will have to support your choices by giving reasons.
Part Five- Ranking Canada's Geographical Regions

  1. Now it's time to rank Canada's Geographical Features.  Which region would like to live in based on what you know about it's geographical features? Below is a list of criteria that you should consider while making your list
  • landforms or other geographical features
  • natural resoures
  • proximity to bodies of water and arable land
  • climate
  • elevation and its relationship to climate
  • rainfall
  • beauty
Ranking Assignment

2. Once you have ordered the geographical regions, you must support your choices. This will be done on your blog where, in paragraph form, you must give reasons (be sure to use the criteria above) for your thinking.  You can use text, pictures and videos in your explaination.


Canada's Geographical Features Presentation Rubric

Self Assessment-Group Work

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Personal Journals 

I Mrs. Nelson introduced personal Journals and we will be working on them every Friday. Personal Journals will help me and Mr. Catton observe and assess where each student is at. Through the journals I hope to learn how your son/daughter is doing both academically and personally. The journals are a tool to better understand their strengths and struggles to make their learning successful.

These Personal Journals can also help the students self assess their short term & long term goals. This is where I introduced Future Me. org a website that the students will write a letter to themselves in the future.

Self Assessment: students will use this to self assess on their personal feelings, reflections, writing mechanics and goals in the journal entry.  These personal journals will not be graded and are mostly used as a form to communication between the teacher and student to help identify issues or celebrate goals.

Reminder -students bring back forms with your updated Personal information & Permission Forms of Student information.

Website for students to work on their letter to their future selves

Friday, September 2, 2011

Book Trailer on Novel of Your Choice

A new, great way to promote your book is with video! These videos are called Book Trailers. They are similar to a movie trailer, in that they are designed to build interest in an upcoming or current novel and to encourage people to read the book that they are based on.  Check out the cool movie trailer for Avatat.

The main difference between a movie trailer and a book trailer is that a movie trailer already has visual images to work with - clips from the film. With a book trailer, the maker has to convert the written words into visual images. The trick is to convey a sense of what the book is about without giving anything away. 

Your book trailer must include information that reveals your understanding of the following elements within your novel:
  • characters
  • plot--be very carefull not to 'give away' the climax of the novel
  • setting
  • theme
  • tone/mood
Comparing Book Trailers Assignment

Compare/Contrast Organizer

How to Begin…

1. Go to Concept Map Website and begin planning your book trailer.  Your concept map should contain the main concepts of Theme, Setting, Characters and Plot.  Begin to plan out what you want to include in your book trailer. Here's an example using Bubbleus

2. Storyboard your ideas out.  This is probably the most important step of the whole creating process since if it's not done properly, your whole project will be difficult.  Check out the following link for the stroyboard you are to use.  Make sure you have a ``hook`` to grab the viewers attention.
    1. Storyboard -The first thing you want to consider is how to convey the idea of your book, and get people excited about it - excited enough to want to read it!  Think about how you want your trailer to look. Perhaps a video compiled of still images or a mixture of stills and video....It's up to you.
      • A musical background to add interest and emotion.
      • What method of changing from one scene to the next do you want to employ? Do you want to fade to black? Or use some kind of manipulation that gives the impression of a page turning, or a spiraled fade?
3. Take a look at some more good movie trailers. What made you want to go see the movie? Did the intensity build as the trailer progressed? Did the music quicken, or create a particular feeling? All great trailers have a effective tag lines that grabs the viewer's attention and doesn't let go.

4. Now that you have it all mostly planned out (remember that it's fine to make changes throughout the process), it's time to start using some technolgy to take your idea from a vision to reality.  The technology we will be using for this project is OneTrueMedia.  Thia final process of making the book trailer is the fun part; especially if you have done all the proper pre-planning.

 *Check out some of the book trailers students did last year (Daniel's Story)  and The Outsiders for some great ideas. 


Book Trailer Rubric