Thursday, September 30, 2010

Physical Education Class Concerns

Mrs. Jones is the new physical education specialist at Fairhaven School.  She is qualified teacher with a lot of experience teaching phys. ed. in the elementary school setting.  As of right now, she feels that the grade 8 class is not behaving like grade 8s should be.  She has concerns about student attitude, behavior and effort during class.  She has asked me to post this rubric that she uses to assess students.  Please sit down with your child and see where they feel they fit into the three categories.

Grade 8   Phys. Ed Rubric  Name:
Student does not participate in most activities does not listen to instructions
Rarely prepared for class or on time
Student participates in some activities with coaxing, listens to some instructions. Sometimes  prepared for class or on time.
Student participated in most activities, listens to most instructions. Usually prepared for class or on time.
Student participates well in all activities listens to all instructions and is
always prepared for class and on time.
Student does not cooperate well with others.  
Student cooperates and respects others some of the time
Student cooperates and respects others most of the time
Student always respects and cooperates with others.
Physical skills
Student does not display physical skills to proper level
Student sometimes displays physical skills to proper level
Student most of the time displays physical skills to proper level
Student always displays physical skills to proper level

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