Friday, October 1, 2010

Ch.8 Forces- The Segway


A force is the push or pull that acts on an object. Watch the video below on The Segway Centaur and answer the question, "How does the Segway use forces to move/turn/stop?"

  1. Find a partner who you work well with and that you haven't worked with before
  2. Using the Internet as a resource and Google docs as the presentation device, answer the follwoing questions and present your findings in a interesting and effective manner.
    1. What is a Segway Centaur?
    2. Who invented it?
    3. Explain (the best you can) how the Segaway Centaur uses forces to work
    4. Compare a Segway Centaur to a car.  How is it better than a car?  How is it not as effective as a car?
  3. Be sure to have a bibliography on your Google docs slide show
Some good resources are:

Seway's homepage

Any other ones you can find

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