Monday, October 4, 2010

Daniel's Story Chapter 1 and 2 Questions

Multiple Choice - Chapter 1

1. According to Daniel, what hit him between the eyes when he was ten?
a) A tennis ball.
b) A baseball.
c) A soccer ball.
d) A basketball.

2. At the beginning of Chapter 1, how old is Daniel?
a) 14.
b) 12.
c) 10.
d) 9.

3. What religion is Daniel and his family?
a) Buddist.
b) Hindu.
c) Christian.
d) Jewish.

4. At the beginning of the novel, where is Daniel and his family?
a) On a truck.
b) On a train.
c) In a car.
d) On a bus.

5. What city is Daniel and his family leaving at the beginning of Chapter 1?
a) London.
b) Berlin.
c) Paris.
d) Frankfurt.

6. How many years has Daniel's family lived in Germany?
a) Fifty years.
b) A thousand years.
c) A hundred years.
d) Two years.

7. What is the name of Daniel's sister?
a) Erika.
b) Jane.
c) Sarah.
d) Heather.

8. How old is Daniel's sister?
a) 9.
b) 12.
c) 10.
d) 14.

9. Who is Daniel's favorite uncle?
a) Uncle Walter.
b) Uncle John.
c) Uncle Peter.
d) Uncle Joseph.

10. What is the event is depicted in the first photograph, dated March 30, 1933?
a) Daniel's sixth birthday.
b) His sister's birthday.
c) His first day at school.
d) His father's birthday.

11. On March 30, 1933, what do Daniel's Uncle Walter and Uncle Peter argue about?
a) Religion.
b) Money.
c) Leaving Germany.
d) Beer.

12. What is the name of Daniel's public school teacher?
a) Uncle Peter.
b) Mr. Smith.
c) Mr. Schneider.
d) Mr. Shingles.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 2

1. When is the last class picture taken of Daniel at public school?
a) 1936/1937.
b) 1947.
c) 1957.
d) 1930.

2. According to Daniel's teacher, why is Daniel always in trouble?
a) He's from Poland.
b) He's Jewish.
c) He's a natural troublemaker.
d) He's a boy.

3. After Daniel's tenth birthday, what does his teacher do to him to show the class Daniel is inferior?
a) Measures his height.
b) Makes him spell words aloud.
c) Shows everyone his quiz score.
d) Measure the size of his head.

4. After Daniel's public-school teacher shows the class how inferior he is, what does Daniel do to him?
a) Cries.
b) Agrees.
c) Kicks him.
d) Laughs.

5. When does Daniel start at his new school?
a) August 1937.
b) May 1937.
c) September 1937.
d) April 1937.

6. After Daniel leaves public school, who becomes his new teacher?
a) His mother.
b) His father.
c) Uncle Peter.
d) Uncle Walter.

7. What happens to Uncle Peter and other Jewish professors?
a) They are all killed.
b) They are fired from their university positions.
c) They are given a cut in pay.
d) They are given other university positions.

8. After Daniel's first day at his new school, what is his mother is upset about?
a) That Daniel isn't German enough to go to a German school.
b) That his father's store was bombed.
c) That Daniel is happy with his new school.
d) That Daniel has new friends.

9. Which of Daniel's uncles moves to the United States?
a) Uncle Paul.
b) Uncle Walter.
c) Uncle David.
d) Uncle Peter.

10. What laws does Germany pass that forbid Jews from marrying Germans?
a) Nazi Laws.
b) Nuremberg Laws.
c) Hitler Laws.
d) Bill of Rights.

11. What is the purpose of the public exhibition called "The Eternal Jew"?
a) To explain how different Jews are from animals.
b) To convince the German people to embrace Jews.
c) To deny how important the German people are.
d) To convince the German people how disgusting Jews are.

12. What happens to Uncle Peter six days after Daniel takes Erika to the newsreels?
a) He's killed.
b) He's arrested.
c) He's sent to the United States.
d) He's deported to England.

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